Monday, December 8, 2014

Day 9: chillin in the tree

So the boys thought that Buddy must not have made it back from the North Pole. They couldn't find him. It wasn't till lunch time that they found him hiding in the Christmas tree. 
See I think the boys were expecting some great prank. I reminded my boys that the better they are the better the prank. Unfortunately for them the attitudes they had the day before were kinda sour! 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Day 8: Shower time

Well after getting all messy in the puppychow, the boys think that it was a smart idea for Buddy to get cleaned up! 

Back in the bathroom!

Ahh! Clean and ready to go! 

Day 7: puppy chow

So we had made puppy chow in this amazing bowl from Tupperware ( sorry shameless plug to my website 
The next morning the boys found Buddy the elf in the puppy chow!
Looks like he ate a lot!!