I wake up this morning and I hear my two boys talking to Buddy our Elf on the Shelf. I walked down the hallway and my oldest son Dylan says to me, "MOM!!!! Buddy had a movie night and he is sitting in the chair I made for him out of LEGO's!!" My youngest son Logan said to me, "Yea and Cody, Stitch and some action figures were watching the movie with him!" I asked them to tell me what movie it was they were watching. ELF!!!! Dylan opens up the movie player and the DVD is even in the movie player. They were amazed at the magic of Buddy the Elf and wondered how they were able to watch the movie, because the movie player didn't turn on. I told them, Buddy is magic, he can turn the movie player on and off when he wants, he can even make toys come to life.
Elf on the shelf and the crew for movie night! |
Feature Presentation ELF!!!! |
Yes the boys had to look inside and the DVD was in the movie player!! |
Buddy our elf sitting in the LEGO chair that Dylan made him. |
After a long day of both my kids picking on each other and just getting on my nerves, I told them that Buddy will NOT pull pranks if they are naughty!!