Sunday, November 30, 2014

Day 3: Freezer Fun

The boys had to go on a hunt this morning to find Buddy the Elf! They searched everywhere! They found him in the freezer! 
He was wearing his jacket and goggles. He even had a pair of underware from each of the boys in the freezer! 
He is a silly Elf! 

Our poor Logan was not feeling so well today. So our house had a lazy day filled with movies and a sick Logan. 

Well until tomorrow! 
-Kera, Rob, Dylan and Logan 

Day 2: Lego Chair

So yesterday the boys were excited to see Buddy had returned! They made out an updated Christmas wish list, drew Buddy pictures to hang up at his desk at the North Pole, and they made him a chair to sit in and relax. 
So here we have Buddy sitting in his chair and he has the remotes next to him and he has the kids' phone next to him as well.
Hmmm.... What was he doing with that!? 
Looks like our Elf knows how to text Santa!! 

So the first thing the kids told me this morning was Santa likes our blog site! 

Hello Santa! Thank you for following our site! 

Today we also picked out our tree! It has been many years since we have had a real tree, I really wanted a real tree this year. So we loaded up in the truck and off to the tree farm we went! 

After searching for the PERFECT tree we found one we all liked! The tree was cut and we were on our way! 

My amazing husband making sure the tree is nice and tight! 
The boys were having a great time decorating the tree and listening to the North Pole Radio Station on I heart radio! 
Ta-da!!!! They did it!! 
My two little guys! I am so proud of them! 
- kera, Rob, Dylan and Logan

Friday, November 28, 2014

Day 1: Sleepy Elf

The boys woke up to find Buddy our Elf on the Shelf had returned!!

Buddy must have had a long journey from the North Pole. 
The boys found him sleeping in Puffs Kleenex box. 
He had left a few notes around the house for the boys as well.

Buddy the Elf sleeping in the tissue box

Here is a special note from Buddy the Elf.
He really wants the boys to be GOOD!!!

Here is another note letting the boys know he is back!
He will report nightly to Santa!!

So Buddy left Logan a note in his room.
He will be letting Santa know that he didn't pick up his room!

Buddy put this on the bathroom door!

Buddy left this on the TV in Dylan's room.
He must think that Dylan needs to
work a little harder on his attitude!
We can't wait to see what kind of pranks he will pull on us this season.  Like the note said, the better the boys are, the better the pranks will be! 

- Kera, Rob, Dylan and Logan