Sunday, November 25, 2012

Funny faces

November 25, 2012

Day 2: Funny Faces!

730am Sunday morning my husband and I awoke to laughter and giggles and the kids saying, "that silly elf!!"

Buddy our house elf took the dry erase markers and drew funny faces and pictures on our family pictures we have hung up. I must admit it was pretty funny.  Seeing the boys laugh and smile was the icing on the cake!!

Buddy added a mustache to Logan!!

Buddy then drew a clown face on Logan and some crazy eyebrows and beard on Dylan. He also made it so the pictures were all crooked. 

Dylan saw this and said, "Hey I don't smell like farts!"

As you can see he was the one with the markers!!!

BE GOOD! I made sure the kids saw that!

Logan said, "I don't eat cat food!" What a silly elf!!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Green Milk!

November 24, 2012

Day 1: Green Milk

So we woke up this morning and found that our elf had moved!  Oh by the way the boys named the elf Buddy. 

He was sitting on top of my curio cabinet when he made if first appearance in our house. This morning we noticed he had moved to the shelf in the hallway.   

We didn't notice anything weird at first, but then Logan had cereal. He opened the refrigerator and saw that the elf Buddy turned our milk GREEN!  
Now how silly is that?!


Dylan had a his Dad's stuffed pet monster in his bed last night and he didn't notice that the monster wasn't in his bed this morning and found him in the toy room…..

That is all we have noticed for today…
We will wait to see what he will do tomorrow!!

Making his appearance!

November 23, 2012

Making his appearance!

So I was on the phone with the big guy himself (SANTA) and he said that he was going to be sending one of his elves to keep an eye on the boys.  With it being a busy time of year Santa can't keep an eye on all of the kids of the world and still get all his work done. So he sends elves to help him with this.

The boys were super excited to see this elf!! After all I did tell them what tricksters elves can be….

elf on the shelf
Elf on our shelf! His grand appearance!