Friday, November 28, 2014

Day 1: Sleepy Elf

The boys woke up to find Buddy our Elf on the Shelf had returned!!

Buddy must have had a long journey from the North Pole. 
The boys found him sleeping in Puffs Kleenex box. 
He had left a few notes around the house for the boys as well.

Buddy the Elf sleeping in the tissue box

Here is a special note from Buddy the Elf.
He really wants the boys to be GOOD!!!

Here is another note letting the boys know he is back!
He will report nightly to Santa!!

So Buddy left Logan a note in his room.
He will be letting Santa know that he didn't pick up his room!

Buddy put this on the bathroom door!

Buddy left this on the TV in Dylan's room.
He must think that Dylan needs to
work a little harder on his attitude!
We can't wait to see what kind of pranks he will pull on us this season.  Like the note said, the better the boys are, the better the pranks will be! 

- Kera, Rob, Dylan and Logan

Holiday Season 2014

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Now for most adults the day after turkey day is a day known as Black Friday, a day to snag some amazing deals on Christmas presents. However in our house the kids know this day as the day Buddy our elf on the shelf comes from the North Pole to start his time with us and play many pranks! So join us daily to see what our crazy elf does! 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 7! The TP tree

He was caught red handed with the empty roll of TP in his hands! 

He thought it would be funny to TP the tree and the fan in the kitchen! 
Our TP tree! 
And from the tree to the fan in the kitchen!  

What will Buddy do next??