Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Chilling in the Candy!

November 27, 2012

Day 4: Chilling in the Candy!

KISSES & Peanut butter cups in a bowl, Buddy the Elf, an airplane and Logan's DSi is what we saw on the kitchen table this morning.  Now the shocking thing!!  Logan's DSi was not working last night, it would not take a charge or turn on.  I for sure thought to myself "CRAP!" But Buddy must have taken the DSi to the North Pole and had the elves fix it up there and brought it back!! Because it WORKS!!! MMMMMmmmmm……… Momma says, "Thanks Buddy! You just saved us from buying a new DS for Logan!" So I guess I can take his tricks. :) 

I think Buddy has a sweet tooth!!

I wonder what trickery we to look forward to!?

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