Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 7! The TP tree

He was caught red handed with the empty roll of TP in his hands! 

He thought it would be funny to TP the tree and the fan in the kitchen! 
Our TP tree! 
And from the tree to the fan in the kitchen!  

What will Buddy do next??

Day 6! Making sweet treats!!

Buddy our else was busy in the kitchen making sweet treats.  The boys woke up and searched around and found our little elf in the kitchen.
He had on a chef hat and an apron. My mom had bought Buddy our elf these neat little accessories. 

Buddy made Chocolate covered pretzels!!

He looks like he is up to no good!!

If course there was a matching hat and apron for the boys as well!! 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 5! Just chilling...

Nothing to crazy today.  The boys found Buddy with Woody and Agent P. They were playing with the mini race car. 

Tonight we had traveled over to Mima's & Papa's so the boys could decorate the tree. My Mom had found a few items for Buddy. She found him a scarf and boots & an apron with a chef's hat. Of course there was a matching hat and apron for the child to match Buddy. I am sure Buddy will put it to use tonight!! 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 4! Christmas Jammie's and bubble bath

Today the boys found Buddy the Elf in the bathroom again. But today he was chillin in the sink in his marshmallow bubble bath. 

Then the boys found presents under the tree!! 

They each had a letter from Buddy!  Yes the letters said the same thing. An important good. 

The boys ripped off the paper and .......

Logan and his PJ top
Dylan and his PJ top!! 

PJ's from Crazy 8. 

Day 3! Where did the under ware go !?

Kids: Mom!!!!!!!
Me: yea?
Kids: Buddy took our under ware and hung them on the tree!!
Me: what!!! Really!! That silly elf! 

So today is day 3, and after the attitudes of yesterday, shockingly Buddy the Elf did prank the kids last night. 
The boys awoke to seeing their under ware on the Christmas tree!! 

 We found him on the lamp next to the tree. The boys were actually really good today. They decorated the Christmas Tree at great Grandma's with my cousins kids. They did a pretty good job! Grant, was telling us today that their elf on the shelf was no where to be found this morning. I was informed that they weren't  on their best behavior yesterday so the Elf didn't come back today.  I took this opportunity to remind the kids they need to be GOOD!!!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Day 2! Movie Night with the crew!

I wake up this morning and I hear my two boys talking to Buddy our Elf on the Shelf.  I walked down the hallway and my oldest son Dylan says to me, "MOM!!!! Buddy had a movie night and he is sitting in the chair I made for him out of LEGO's!!"  My youngest son Logan said to me, "Yea and Cody, Stitch and some action figures were watching the movie with him!"  I asked them to tell me what movie it was they were watching. ELF!!!!  Dylan opens up the movie player and the DVD is even in the movie player.  They were amazed at the magic of Buddy the Elf and wondered how they were able to watch the movie, because the movie player didn't turn on.  I told them, Buddy is magic, he can turn the movie player on and off when he wants, he can even make toys come to life.  
buddy the elf
Elf on the shelf and the crew for movie night!

Buddy the elf
Feature Presentation  ELF!!!! 

Elf on the shelf
Yes the boys had to look inside and the DVD was in the movie player!!

Buddy the elf
Buddy our elf sitting in the LEGO chair that Dylan made him.
After a long day of both my kids picking on each other and just getting on my nerves, I told them that Buddy will NOT pull pranks if they are naughty!! 

Friday, November 29, 2013

Day 1! Let the pranks begin!!

The magic is in the air. The kids have been doing a count down until BUDDY the ELF comes back to our house!  They kept talking about the pranks he pulled last year and what kind of pranks he will do this year. 
Upon awakening this morning, taking sleepy heads to the bathroom, the boys found Buddy and his welcome back message. 
BUDDY had taken dry erase markers and drew all over the mirror in the bathroom.  That silly Elf!!
Buddy our ELF on the Shelf.  #elfontheshelf #buddytheElf