Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 3! Where did the under ware go !?

Kids: Mom!!!!!!!
Me: yea?
Kids: Buddy took our under ware and hung them on the tree!!
Me: what!!! Really!! That silly elf! 

So today is day 3, and after the attitudes of yesterday, shockingly Buddy the Elf did prank the kids last night. 
The boys awoke to seeing their under ware on the Christmas tree!! 

 We found him on the lamp next to the tree. The boys were actually really good today. They decorated the Christmas Tree at great Grandma's with my cousins kids. They did a pretty good job! Grant, was telling us today that their elf on the shelf was no where to be found this morning. I was informed that they weren't  on their best behavior yesterday so the Elf didn't come back today.  I took this opportunity to remind the kids they need to be GOOD!!!

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